Spring 2022 Newsletter

The blooming trees and warming weather are a fantastic welcome as we peek our heads out to greet the turn of season! Though the world continues on with literal and metaphorical fires that need putting out, we're proud to continue to give our students, faculty, and artists the space to create art from the chaos. From lovely new faculty to an exciting group of performances from our Studio Series participants, so much lays ahead of us. To find out more, keep reading!


Community Spotlight


Previous Participants Reflect on the Studio Series

After a brief hiatus, the Studio Series is back with nine performers sharing their art across film, plays, solo performance, poetry, and more! Part of Freehold’s educational mission is to encourage those who study with us to experiment in a performance situation with the process and tools developed in the classroom. As a result, we created the Studio Series: performances presenting work created by current and former Freehold students and faculty. This popular series is intended primarily as an opportunity for students to investigate work in a studio setting, to evolve as an independent artists, and to experience the evolution of the work through the processes of production and performance. 

Before we head into these marvelous new works by our talented students and alum, let’s reflect back on what previous participants have accomplished by participating in the series. 


Farewell, Janae! And hello to...you?

Hello Freehold family! This past year with Freehold has been full of excitement: new faculty, the return of programing, the creation of NEW programming, and just getting to know some truly fantastic people. But all chapters must close. I will be moving on to continue to explore the power of communications in the nonprofit space, and Freehold will as always continue to be in amazing hands! So, on that note: if you or someone you know is passionate about engaging current supporters and sharing Freehold with new communities, check out the Development and Communications Coordinator job description for more information and how to apply.


Freehold Class Spotlight

Spring quarter is soon to start, and there are still classes available for you playwriting and performance needs! These classes start soon, so check out our course catalog for more information including a new addition: three-week Self Tape workshop with John Jacobsen! Please email info@freeholdtheatre.org for any questions about classes or discounted tuition.


Playwriting with Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin

Tuesdays, April 5th - June 7th, 6PM - 9PM

I might need a new playwriting origin story. For years now I’ve been regurgitating the same tale: in my undergraduate education, I was tasked with finding a monologue for my exact “type.” As a bigger-bodied queer mixed Asian American nonbinary femme, I scoured the library searching for something that would fit any of my identities, much less all of them. I came away with three takeaways: that I was obsessed with the few works I could find by Asian American playwrights; that roles for me as a performer did not exist substantively within the American canon; and that I wanted to create those roles myself. And so I started writing. 



Solo Performance with Kevin Joyce

Tuesdays, April 5th - May 31st, 6PM - 9PM

I’m delighted to be teaching Solo Performance at Freehold this spring.

I’ve been at this professionally for over 30 years and I still marvel at it, I still quake before going on. And I’m still trying to figure out what makes it work. And that’s what the class will explore.

It’s exciting, terrifying, bewildering, empowering and crazy-making to perform alone. By yourself, on stage, just you to make sense of the space and time of it all, the dynamics, arc, and quality of connection to the moment. Who thought this would be a good idea? 


Upcoming Events





March 24th




Spring Quarter Class Sampler

Meet new faculty members and learn about our course offerings this quarter! Hear from our phenomenal faculty about spring courses and take 20 minute versions of their classes to get a taste of all that's on offer this quarter. This event is free and will be held virtually via Zoom.




This Weekend!

March 25th to 27th




Studio Series 2022 Performances

Join our nine Studio Series participants this weekend for a slew of performances that tap into their artistry and explore their chosen mediums of poetry, solo performance, plays, film, and more! All performances will be free and live in the blackbox!




Save the Date!

June 7th




Freehold Gala: Joy and Reclamation

Save the date for our annual auction and gala on June 4th at 7PM. This year we will host an online celebration, but we are excited to add limited in-person tickets to see the program live! Please email caroline@freeholdtheatre.org for more information and sponsorship opportunities. More details coming soon!


Opportunities to Support Freehold


Monthly Giving

Support comes in all sizes. This past year we have been blown away as our community has come together to celebrate the power of theatre in the midst of a pandemic. As we continue to push what art can do not only for us as individuals but for those around us, we are asking that you consider a monthly gift to Freehold. Whether that gift is $5, $10, or $100, your generosity allows us to pay it forward to our students, participants in Engaged Theatre, and all of our working professionals as they take what they've done with Freehold into the larger artistic community. To donate, please visit freeholdtheatre.org/donate


Intern at Freehold This Spring!

We're seeking work-study interns for various projects remotely and at Freehold's home in Chinatown/International District! Earn credit towards a class this spring by supporting efforts behind-the-scenes. As a small staff, we rely on volunteers for all kinds of tasks including brochure distribution, stuffing envelopes for mailings, IT knowledge, and event support and these opportunities will continue to arise as reopening expands. Register here and email info@freeholdtheatre.org for more information! 

Want to help but on a less regular basis? We're growing our volunteer list. This spring, you can expect some (small) work parties doing painting, library organizing, and similar tasks to continue to improve our studio home. Email info@freeholdtheatre.org to share your interest.


Thank you!

We're pleased to highlight those who were honored by their friends and family with gifts to Freehold Theatre Lab / Studio in their name. This quarter, thanks to those who have donated in celebration of others:

In Honor Of: Robin Lynn Smith, Matt Bainbridge Paper Shack Smith

In Memory Of: Betty Comtois, Dr. Paul Austin Dorn, Jr, Mick Gamache, Eric Michael Lisenbey, our dear friend Hal Ryder

Freehold Theatre Lab/Studio
517 Maynard Ave S  | Seattle, Washington 98104
2063237499 | info@freeholdtheatre.org


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